Leland Land Formers

Land Clearing, Land Leveling & Site Work

Since 1968

Agricultural Land Leveling | Commercial Site Work | GPS Survey & Design | Excavation | Oilfield Site Services | Building Pads | House pads | Driveways | Roads | Demolition | Industrial Site Work | Ponds | Land Clearing | Wetland Restoration

Leland Land Formers is a land development company operating in Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, & Arkansas. Our scope of work includes land clearing, demolition, ponds, oil field site services, pads, roads, leveling of farmland, and wetland restoration.  We also perform GPS topograhical surveys, project setup and stakeout, land leveling designs, and 3D machine control model building.  For more details, check out our services page.


Our scope of residential services include earthwork for residential subdivisions, house pad building, pond construction, driveways, yard leveling and drainage, and tree and brush removal. Contact us today for a free estimate!


Agricultural land leveling is how we got our start and is one of our specialties! We begin by performing a land leveling survey and design. Then we use scraper rigs which are equipped with GPS technology to move the soil. Other ag services we provide include field ditching, culvert installation, land clearing and pond construction.

Commercial, Civil, and Industrial

Our move into south Texas has brought an increased focus on commercial, civil, and industrial work. Services we provide include oilfield location pads, oilfield frac ponds, site setup and stakeout, 3D model building, road subgrades, building pads, retention ponds, sewage lagoons, and more.

Wetland Restoration

Wetland Restoration and creating waterfowl habitat especially building ponds for duck hunting is a passion of ours! Our first wetland project was performed in 2001. Since we have worked on thousands of acres for the  nonprofits Ducks Unlimited, Delta Wildlife, Wildlife MS, as well as private land owners enhancing waterfowl habitat and restoring wetlands!

Our Services

Land Clearing

Need your pasture or a fence line cleared? Maybe you're a developer and need a site cleared for construction. We can do it! Give us a call!


We have the equipment for those larger earthmoving jobs. Above you see our scraper rigs digging a tailwater recovery ditch in the Mississippi Delta.

Pond Building

Our experience with pond building began in Mississippi in the early 1980's building catfish ponds. Since then we have built recreational ponds as well as frac ponds in the oilfield.

Agricultural Land Leveling

Leveling of farmland for drainage and irrigation is how we got started and is our specialty. We have leveled 10's of thousands of acres in Mississippi, Texas and Arkansas. Above is a freshly leveled cotton field in Sharkey Co. MS.

Commercial, Civil, and Industrial
Dirt Work

Our roster of these types of jobs includes sewage lagoons, road subgrades, building pads, retention ponds, subdivisions, levee work, and more.

Wetland Restoration

We have been restoring wetlands since 2001. Above we are setting a water control structure in a newly constructed levee. This is one way we flood low lying ground to restore wetlands and create waterfowl habitat.

GPS Survey & Design

We use RTK GPS technology to perform topographical surveys and jobsite stakeout. 3D machine control model building and land leveling designs are also in our expertise.

Road Building & Maintenance

Above we are building a road in Edna, TX. A recent project we completed was the dirt hauling for a road subgrade in the Port of Victoria (TX). Whether you have a small job such as pasture roads in need of grading, or a large highway earthmoving project please give us a call!

Driveways and House Pads

If you plan to build a new house or shop and need a driveway or pad, give us a call. We build these also!

Utility Work

Our scope of work includes utility work such as storm sewer and internet/electrical conduit. Above one of our excavators is setting box culverts in Rockport, TX.

Oilfield Site Services

Our oilfield experience includes survey, design and dirt hauling to build frac ponds and well locations. Here one of our scraper rigs is building a frac pond near Kenedy, TX.

Rick Hasdorf Barn Demoliton Edna, TX (1024x911)


If you need a structure taken down and removed please give us call! Above our excavator is about to demolish and bury a barn near Edna, TX.

Best Excavation Contractors in Victoria, TX

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